Covid Guidelines

Safety is always our first priority for you, our guest and for our entire Valley Om team.

Transparent communication for the benefit of all.
Maintaining small yoga class sizes on the regular schedule.
A fan runs during yoga classes to maximize air flow
Cleanliness of the studio and lobby with frequent wiping down of surfaces.
Studio blankets are laundered monthly
Susan, our resident massage therapist wears a mask for all SESSIONS.

Face coverings are optional and at your discretion for yoga classes and there is no judgment either way. All we ask is for you to be responsible.
Masks are encouraged for massage therapy sessions but not required. You may wear a mask when you are face up, however, you may remove your mask when you are face down. An Additional barrier may be attached to the face cradle while prone (face down) to provide comfort and protection. Your therapist will be wearing a mask throughout the duration of the session.
Please do not come if you are feeling unwell or if you have been in recent contact with someone with COVID-19.
New Studio Policies for the New Normal
You must pre-register for all classes – in-studio and LIVEstream; we will not be able to accommodate any walk-in guests. If class is full, you can join the waitlist. Everyone on the waitlist will be emailed if a spot becomes available. The first person to register will gain entry to the class.
The first time you pre-register for a class or massage, you will be asked to complete an online waiver.
Our cancellation policy has been updated, effectively allowing you to cancel up to 2 hours prior to a class. This is applicable to both in-studio and LIVEstream.
You will receive a refund to your credit card if you purchased a Drop In or if you have a class package, the class will be returned. If you cancel under the 2 hour window you forfeit the class.
Members who cancel under the 2 hour window may be subject to a $1o charge to the credit card they have on file.
The above also applies if you are a no-show to in-studio and LIVEstream classes.