The Full Story
International Women’s Day Scholarship
As female business owners who have benefited from the support of strong and brave women, it is an honor to pay the empowerment forward.
This scholarship is our commitment to our fellow female identifying guests that through belief in self and basic ethical principles, we can achieve our wildest dreams!
We have identified 4 pillars that we believe have contributed to our success and have been the foundation of The Valley Om - Perseverance, Vision, Justice, and Devotion. We are proud and honored to have earned the support of a few notable women who exemplify our pillars and without whom, we would not be who or where we are.
Thank you to Sue DeRose who shows unwavering Perseverance - persistence in making the yoga practice function for her needs and wants.
Thank you to Melba Tolliver who demonstrates fierce Vision - the ability to think, plan, and act from a place of deep belief and wisdom.
Thank you to the Honorable Judge Paula Roscioli, who has a keen and kind eye for Justice - a concern for just behavior and treatment, peace, and genuine respect for people..
Thank you to Stephanie Tade, a humble example of steadfast Devotion to self care practices such as yoga asana, but most especially meditation.
Fueled by the belief of these leading ladies and so many others, we have prevailed in the face of doubt and challenge. We are thankful to be in the position to offer $2,000 annually to women who are committed to caring for themselves through the practice of yoga and who also demonstrate alignment with our pillars of value: Perseverance, Vision, Justice, and Devotion.

Demonstrated by Sue DeRose
Sue is a retired educator from the Woodbridge Township School District in New Jersey. She extended her professional career as a tutor of mathematics.
Currently, Sue is an active and passionate member of Lehigh Valley 4 All, which is a progressive, community-minded, grassroots organization whose goals are to provide a platform for voters to gain knowledge of the political system and to effectuate progressive policies within their communities. Her volunteer work often requires long, hard hours. But this woman shies away from no challenge.
Over many years of yoga practice and study, Sue has been able to mine and refine the practice to support her needs. Through study, curiosity, and exploration Sue has adapted her mat practice for increased accessibility and functionality. She has also enriched her spiritual life through mindful curiosity and self study, skills she has sharpened through yoga, in the face of doubtful times.
As a Founding Member of The Valley Om, Sue has been an unwavering keystone for the studio, offering compassion and encouragement to the team and guests alike, and consistently reminding us of our mission.

Embodied by Melba Tolliver
Melba has long been considered a visionary and we are fortunate enough to have caught her gaze.
Melba had an impactful career as a journalist, reporter, and news anchor at WABC, WNBC, and News 12 Long Island. She has also worked as a registered nurse. Being seen as the force she is, Melba has been the recipient of many awards and honors in her life, landing her among the ranks of Notable Black American Women. The curiosity and confidence that no doubt propelled her career path continues to illuminate her spirit today.
Melba is an unapologetic pioneer in advocacy of what she believes in, whether that be her choices in appearance as a Black woman in news or the benefits available through Svaroopa yoga. No one person has gifted more [Svaroopa] yoga classes than this woman! As a dedicated practitioner herself, Melba knows the life affirming possibilities of yoga and shares the opportunity to experience it as abundantly as she can. She very clearly sees herself as a connecting piece in this wild and wonderful world. We are only too lucky to benefit from her magnetism.
Forever the ambassador and connector of 'good', Melba would like to recognize Regina Marinelli, co-owner and president of Agri-Dynamics. Melba notes Regina's luminous friendship and the important work in sustainable agriculture she is doing through her work.

Personified by Judge Paula Roscioli
Paula A. Roscioli was elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Northampton County on November 8, 2005, and was sworn into office on January 4, 2006. Judge Roscioli was previously the Administrative Judge of Criminal Court and currently serves as the Administrative Judge of Domestic Relations.Judge Roscioli was the presiding judge for the Northampton County Grand Jury empaneled from 2010 through 2012. She is currently the supervising judge for the Northampton County Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program.
Judge Roscioli frequently lectures at schools regarding bullying, cyber safety, and drug and alcohol prevention. She also teaches an annual class at the Pennsylvania State Police Southeast Training Center. Judge Roscioli serves as a mentor to high school and college students interested in the law by offering internships and shadowing opportunities.
Honored to be considered Judge Roscioli's "home studio", her thoughtful insights and feedback were held in high regard during The Valley Om's infancy; and helped shape some of what have become tried-and-true policies, practices, and standards.

Exemplified by Stephanie Tade
Stephanie Tade is a guide and meditation instructor in the practice lineage of Tibetan Buddhist teacher Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. She has been practicing and studying Buddhist meditation and philosophy since 2005. She’s also a longtime yogi and happy member of The Valley Om community.
She started her career in publicity and subsidiary rights at Bantam Books, learning how to negotiate rights, promote books, and becoming deeply familiar with all the moving parts of a publishing company. Her next chapter was a nearly two-decade stint at one of the most successful literary agencies in the world, the Jane Rotrosen Agency. There she managed her own list of authors while growing the agency’s international department tenfold as Director of film and international rights. From there, she answered the siren song of Rodale Books, and accepted the challenge of running the newly formed editorial book group, where she published such authors as Master Yogi BKS Iyengar, bestselling diet & fitness author Jorge Cruise, and many more. Rodale was boot camp in learning what would make a book profitable, and what levers needed to be pulled in order to make a publisher, and a general market, sit up and take notice.
But the entrepreneur in Stephanie kept her up at night, and the ambition to form her own agency won out in March 2005, when she established the Stephanie Tade Agency, LLC. Motivated by an earnest desire to work with books that will benefit individuals, communities, and the world, she has been fortunate to represent and help to build many NYT bestselling authors, including Judith Beck, PhD, Will Bulsiewicz, MD, Frank Lipman, MD, Amy Myers, MD, Chade Meng Tan, and others. Currently, she is on the lookout for major authors on a mission to make the world happier, healthier, and more whole.